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Spring Break Closure: March 17-23

Students, faculty, and staff are off for Spring Break beginning Monday, March 17, through Sunday, March 23. Business hours will resume Monday, March 24.

Coaches for Workforce Programs

Collin College Offers Comprehensive Support for Workforce Students

Collin College is THE place to begin your education, gain job skills, complete your core courses (the basics), and/or transfer on to a Bachelor’s degree.    
Workforce Program Coaches focus on helping students stay in school and complete their immediate goals for both academics and job skill preparation. Workforce Program Coaches provide services so students can move on to their next goal: entering the workforce or transferring on to a four year university.
Workforce Program Coaches support students in the following areas:


Providing the tools & Assistance you need to navigate your degree.


Stackable certificates and industry credentials that provide value.


Experiential education that helps you gain experience while earning credits and $$$.


Programming to help you market your skills and education to employers. 

Coaching Services are available for currently enrolled students who are taking credit or non-credit courses. Our goal is to provide students with services to help them reach their academic and career goals.

Services Provided:

- Resume Assistance
- Interview Prep
- Degree Planning
- Deciding on a Work Experience (CO-OP, Internship, Apprenticeship, Etc.)



To meet your Workforce Program Coach visit this page.

Career Coaching Resources:


CO-OP/Internship Information

Career Center

Industry Partners

Prior Learning Assessment Credits

Contact Us